You care about your Career… so you should certainly care about your CV / Resume!
What this Article Covers:
ToggleIf there is 1 document that will affect your Career more than any other…. it is your CV / Resume.
So ProCapita Headhunter Indonesia‘s advice >>> take the time to make it Perfect!
Your CV, also called a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume, makes the 1st impression that a potential employer has of you.
An Employer will decide, 100% based on the contents of your CV / Resume, whether to invite you to interview or not.
The CV is such a critical document. I personally believe universities should provide compulsory CV training / writing courses as part of every degree.
Unfortunately, on many occasions we meet fantastic Executives, with brilliant career experience…
But poorly presented CV’s. As such, they sell themselves Short.
Based on Research by TheLaddars Potential Employers only spend on average…
SIX SECONDS scanning a CV on 1st review.
So… that means if you fail to grab the hiring managers interest in those 6 critical seconds, your CV / Resume will most certainly be rejected. And the job opportunity lost.
However, if you “Pass” this initial “6 second scan”, grab the readers attention, they will then take a more detailed look.
Read fully your credentials and see everything that you want to tell the person about your professional achievements.
As Headhunters, we do not have the time to “rewrite” an Executives resume, to make it perfect.
Therefore, it falls on you, the Executive Candidate, to ensure that Your CV presents you in the very best way possible.
Your CV / Resume must grab the hiring managers instant attention.
How To Write An Effective, Eye Grabbing CV:
- Remember that Hiring managers look at a HUGE volume of CV’s. So, whatever you want to say should be kept concise and to the point, otherwise the reader will get lost in the words.
- Your CV should be 2-3 pages long. This applies to everyone, including the most senior Executives with 20+ years of work experience.
- We often see CV’s that are 10+ pages long. Hiring managers do Not have the time to review such a lengthy document. Also, they will see the CV as disorganized and confusing.
- At the top of your CV include a short Executive Summary. This should detail your top skills and career achievements. Ideally 5-10 key bullet points.
- Your work experience section should be listed in a Reverse Chronological Order. State your most recent work position at the top, your first at the bottom.
- Hiring Managers are A Lot More Interested in your Recent Work Experience. Positions held in the Last 5 Years.
. - So provide more details for these roles. For jobs earlier in your career, keep it short.
- For each work position, provide an overview of your key responsibilities. State Your Personal Achievements in that role.
. - Giving facts makes a strong impression,. For example “I led a 10 person Sales Team and increased annual revenue by 30% between 2018-2019”. .
- Each time you apply for a job, Update Your CV for that specific application.
. - Highlight the key points from your career which match with the requirements of that specific role. This helps to demonstrate your suitability.
A Good CV / Resume Structure:

Section 1 – Your Biographical / Profile Data – Start of CV
- At the top of your CV state, in bullet points:
- Your full name, year of birth, gender, nationality & language skills.
. - Provide your full contact details – mobile phone number and Personal email address.
. - If you choose to include a photo (entirely up to you) make sure it is professional and smart. Show the hiring manager the image of you that you want them to see. A good position for a photo, if included, is the top right corner of the 1st page.
. - Provide your Executive Summary, in bullet points, list your key skills and career accomplishments.
Section 2 – Your Education / Qualifications – Middle of CV
- Only list your Key Higher Level Education, in a Reverse Chronological Order. State your most recent university level education at the top of the list and the oldest at the bottom.
- Include the month and year that you graduated from university, for both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Also include the degree grade/ result.
- In bullet points state any extra Professional Qualifications that you may have. This includes important certifications, memberships of professional organisations, training courses completed.
Section 3 – Your Work Experience – End of CV
- List your Work Experience in a Reverse Chronological Order. Detail your most recent work position at the top of the list and your first at the bottom.
- For each company that you have worked for, state the full company name and add 1 sentence describing what that company does. In case the business is unknown to the reader.
- For each role that you have had, state your full job title and the month and year that you started and ended in that position.
- For each job state in a few sentences your overall responsibilities and details of what you actually achieved when in that role.
Once you have finished writing your CV read it a number of times.
Make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors.
Make sure the document looks good visually and reads well – that what you say is clear. All details must be accurate.
Ensure that the formatting is consistent throughout the resume.
As Executive Headhunters we have seen thousands of CVs. It is clear that a great, well written, well structured, professional looking CV, grabs the eye of a hiring manager…
It gives the job applicant a far higher chance of being invited for interview.
On the other hand, a badly written CV will present an individual in a disorganised and negative way…
The reader will likely discount the profile. Even if the person has everything desired… the reader just won’t realise it.
That’s why at ProCapita Headhunter Indonesia we say – if there is 1 document that will affect your Career more than any other…. it is your CV.
So our advice, Make It 100% PERFECT!
You may also like to check This Article which describes our views regarding the Top Characteristics of Great & Successful Leaders.
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